Ah, the season of love will be here before you know it, and what a fantastic time as we celebrate sweetness and joy of all those things we hold most dear. From a significant other to a box of decadent chocolate, there are lovely things aplenty to crush on this Valentine’s Day, and one that is surely worthy of your eye is the miraculous Scratch Concealer by WearMax. Hardwood flooring is a gorgeous addition to any home, but it’s prone to an inevitable truth: wear and tear of time. Abrasions and white marks can overtake what was once gorgeous flooring and turn it into something not so lovely. This is where you’re new crush comes in—Scratch Concealer by WearMax makes scuffs and nicks completely disappear, and what’s better is that it’s oh-so-affordable and quick at its mastery as well!
All it takes is a few drops of this “finish in a bottle” to seal up your flooring and transform it into something absolutely romantic. You can finally be in love with your floors again this Valentine’s Day when you get your hands on WearMax’s Scratch Concealer. It’s a love story for the books!